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Centre for Co-Curricular Programme
Universiti Sains Malaysia

Teras Kelestarian


This course introduces students to the concept of sustainable development in order to ensure that the ability of future generations to meet their own needs is not compromised especially with regards to their ability in handling the challenges of globalization and the rapid developments in information technology. This is carried out by placing an emphasis on education as an important agenda in the development of the nation – not only in order to increase the generation of knowledge, but also to ensure prosperity both regionally and globally. Sustainable development is concerned with maintaining equity between the three aspects of a competitive economy, diverse biodiversity and social integrity. In this subject, the sustainable development concept is emphasized to contribute towards a stable development and performance. Issues, effects and case studies are discussed globally by taking examples of sustainable projects worldwide. Moreover, this course will carry out the application of education for sustainable development in various fields of discipline. The sustainable development models such as Triple Sustainable Model, The Strong Sustainable Model and The Mickey Mouse Model will also be discussed. At the end of this course, students will exposed to the implementation of a sustainability project in groups. 

-Bahasa Melayu-
Kursus ini memperkenalkan konsep dan peranan pembangunan lestari untuk memastikan keperluan generasi akan datang tidak terpinggir, khususnya dalam menghadapi cabaran era globalisasi dan kemajuan teknologi maklumat. Penekanan kepada pembangunan lestari diutamakan berdasarkan 3 aspek iaitu ekonomi lestari, kepelbagaian biodiversiti dan integrasi sosial. Konsep pembangunan lestari ditekankan dari pelbagai aspek kehidupan. Isu, implikasi dan kajian kes dibincangkan secara global dengan mengambil contoh-contoh kelestarian di seluruh dunia. Kursus ini juga akan mengaplikasi pendidikan untuk pembangunan lestari ke dalam pelbagai disiplin. Kombinasi teori dan kerja lapangan yang terbentuk dalam kursus ini akan memenuhi permintaan tenaga kerja yang berkemahiran kelestarian. Di antara model dan teori yang akan dibincangkan termasuklah Model Pembangunan Lestari; Triple Bottom Line Sustainability Model; The Strong Sustainability Model dan The Mickey Mouse Model. Pada akhir kursus ini, pelajar akan didedahkan dengan pelaksanaan projek kelestarian secara berkumpulan dan berbentuk kerja lapangan.